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Vacation Photo Album

Here are a few old pictures.

The smith rocks fire, 1996

My first trip to Smith Rocks in 1996, and a park ranger set the place on fire with a welding torch. Pretty spectacular, but I came to climb. (although the red cross shelter experience was rather new and different).

Pic of a moose

This moose kindly posed for me in Basin Pond below Maine's Mt. Katahdin.

pic of Steven's creek pool reflection

This is the reflection in a pool in Steven's Creek, UT.

picture of me on carter peak, big bend

High on Carter Peak in Big Bend, TX

A family on vacation; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Once upon a time I looked like this when I worked. I even got to wear snazzy nomex coveralls.

A family on vacation; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This is Mooney falls in the beautiful Havasupai Reservation by the Grand Canyon.

Picture of Mom, Dad, and Anne at the Grand Canyon

Dad, Mom, and Anne at the Grand Canyon, 12-2000

Pic of Wind river range

A view I hiked past one morning in the Wind River Range, WY.

Pickets picture from someone else

The spectacular Picket range in the North Cascades....
July 2001 traverse destination. (not my photo)

my Picket traverse page