Anne makes these prints by carving the design into printing blocks of wood or rubber. These scans do not show the detail very
well. She has made more animals (which are my favorite) as well as wildflowers, people, and buildings. Contact her with questions
or requests. These designs may not be used or reproduced without Anne Nydam's permission.
"One Hump or Two?" Edition of 8, brown on white, 9.5x7.5 matted to 14x11 $45
"Six Views of a Cat" edition of 5, black on white, 8.25x12 matted to 12x16 $45 OOPS, you are
too late, these are sold out. They are available individually for $15 The cat in question is Nightshade, only the
egyptian cat is not a portrait, Nightshade is neither sleek nor elegant. Individual cats are also available, and they
are available as notecards.
"Chameleon Meal" edition of 7, black on soft green, 9x8.75 matted to 12x12 $45
These and many more works of art are available from Anne Nydam. Please contact her via e-mail at spamblockeradnydam@mediaone.net
(remove the spamblocker) or through the USPS at Anne Nydam 44 Briarwood Circle Needham, MA 02494
or call at (781) 453-9323
Link to Anne's Catalogue