Barcroft Animals Page

Every week there is a sheep rodeo to separate out the sheep that need to go down

Picture of sheepa pile of sheep await roundup

Picture of cowboys3 intrepid cowboys prepare for the sheep rodeo

Picture of sheep rodeoSeparating the herd.

Picture of sheep rodeochasing the sheep towards the chute

Picture of sheep rodeothe sheep are chased into the chute

Picture of sheep 171yellow 171 escapes for another week


Picture of DigitDigit the wonderdog

Picture of Marieke and FloridaMarieke and Florida

Picture of Marieke and CarolinaMarieke and Carolina

Picture of FloridaFlorida

Picture of DakotaDakota

Picture of ArizonaArizona

Picture of AlabamaAlabama

Picture of ColoradoColorado and others

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